Pre op investigations & preparation for Knee replacement surgery
Pre op investigations
1. Complete blood count, ESR, CRP
2. Blood grouping and cross matching
3. Blood sugar (random) & F & PP if Diabetic
4. Ser. creatinine
5. Blood Urea
6. Serum electrolytes
7. Arterial blood gas analysis ( ABG)
8. HIV
9. HBs Ag
10. HCV
11. Bleeding time & clotting time
12. Urine RE & culture
13. Chest X ray
14. ECG or EKG
15. X-ray of knees- AP weight bearing, lateral & skyline views.
Pre operative preparation–
Please stop smoking at least 6 weeks before surgery.
Stop hormone substitution six weeks before surgery.
Skin preparation of the whole body with 4% chlorhexidine is to be started at least ten days before the operation. First shower, then apply Chlorhexidine all over your body below the neck, wait for five minutes and then wash it off. Repeat this twice daily. This will reduce the bacteria in your skin.
We strongly advise you to consult your dentist and get all dental treatment before your surgery. If you need to have a dental procedure afterwards, it should be covered by antibiotics.