Knee Replacement India goes Hi tech.

February 20, 2025Knee replacement India goes Hi- tech. An American nurse got a highly advanced sensor guided Verilast knee replacement in India. This option was not available to her back home. She flew in to Chennai to meet Dr. A.K.Venkatachalam. Dr.Venkatachalam implanted a durable Verilast knee with the help of a navigation tool known as…

Key hole surgery Knee India

February 20, 2025Have you been advised Key hole surgery Knee India?  Is the recommendation based on an undisplaced meniscal tear on the MRI? Recent recommendation in the Orthopedic literature cautions against this procedure. Knee arthroscopy India is useless for undisplaced meniscal tears. Read the article here. Don’t rush for arthroscopic meniseectomy.  E mail for…

Knee replacement Chennai restores youth’s mobility

February 20, 2025Knee replacement restores youth’s mobility. A complex knee replacement restored Seemandhra youth’s mobility after a road accident left him disabled for two years. KC, a Vizag youth suffered an open injury of his knee two years back. The primary treatment that he received was inadequate. When he was left with a stiff, swollen…

Latest knee replacement technology India

February 20, 2025Do you wish to know the latest Knee replacement technology India? Dr.Venkatachalam was invited to a discussion by Financial times. In this article dated 13 Nov 2014 he discusses the I-Assist device which is a latest knee replacement technology in India. He desctibes how this is altering the longevity of knee replacement. It…

Verilast Knee replacement India with I-Assist guidance

February 20, 2025  Knee replacement in young patients can now last for a long time,  thanks to the novel combination of a smart device, ‘I-Assist’ and a durable implant, the ‘Verilast knee’. A procedure involving an I-assist device to implant a Verilast knee, was performed for the first time in the world on a thirty…